Like a heart, a stone can sometimes have a hole in it. If you saw it in a pile with other rocks, it may look just like the others on the outside, but on the inside, it’s missing something.
But something miraculous happens with a rock that has a hole in it. Something that a solid rock won’t experience.
Gradually, day after day, and year after year, tiny deposits work their way into the cavity of the rock. They build there, little by little, until one day, someone comes along and gasps at the beautiful geode that has formed, where once just a rock used to be.
Loss leaves a hole. The space our loved one used to fill feels empty. But, much like the beginnings of a geode, if we allow bits of light and love to deposit themselves in our hearts, gradually that hole inside becomes something beautiful, something sacred.
You may not notice it happening, but I promise you that healing comes with time, just like beauty comes from ashes, rainbows follow rain, and crystals come in stones.
This New Year, I hope you open your heart to every speck of light and love that comes your way, and I wish you many thousands of shimmering moments as you do!
You, my friend, are a gem in the making.